Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Flowers vs. Weeds...

If you have read this blog very much you know that I have been lamenting the weeds that took over our beds because of our rainy spring. It has been a goal of ours to get rid of the weeds, bring in more soil and produce flowers, mainly perennials. Each day I check out Rogers Arborfield and sigh as I gaze upon all the beauty and color that surrounds his lovely home. I realize that it has taken work for his gardens to blossom.

As I have diligently been out weeding I have pondered long and hard about the weeds in my life. One thing that has been very obvious to me is weeds don't need tending. At all. They sprout up anywhere and just take over, if allowed. A bed of beautiful flowers, however, are another story. They require watering, feeding, and of course weeding. If one provides some care, flowers thrive.

As I thought about my Christian walk in relation to the weeds vs. flowers, I thought about the care and commitment needed to have a life that is vibrant, full of color, attracting others to Christ, uplifting other's spirits and fulfilling to myself. Even in the midst of all my careful cultivation weeds of selfishness and sinful attitudes can quickly spring up and overrun the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). We are called to be holy. That doesn't mean that I will be sinless (until I am home, away from the power and presence of sin) but rather, blameless.

I need to make sure that I uproot the weeds in my life before they become ugly habits which snare me and keep me from exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit. If I am yielded to God, I won't give in to sin.

The Weeding Process
1. Identify sins of the flesh or the spirit (Galatians 5:17-21)
2. Call them sin and confess them (1 John 1:9)
3. Stand firm in your position in Christ (Galatians 2:20)

1 comment:

Christa Blakey said...

Hi Claire-
What an excellent idea for weeding in the heart. I was very encouraged by the three-fold suggestion at the end of your post. Thanks for these thoughts!