Thanks to Claire Joy over at Flavor of the Month for this meme.
Random thing meme: List six random things about yourself and then tag six more of your bloggy friends.
1. I can't sing at all....I do make a joyful noise, especially if I am by myself!
2. In high school, people would think I was stuck up when in fact, I couldn't see them. If I didn't have my contacts on or, my glasses, then I was totally blind....and people would expect me to greet them when I passed them but actually, I never even saw them. I am the least stuck up person you could ever meet....
3. Obviously, if you have read my post recently, you know I have lost part of my mind, if not all of it.
4. I hate to wear shoes. I love the warmer weather so I can at least wear sandals.
5. I have a passion for the Lord and desire others to know Him, too.
6. You would not have liked me before I became a Christian.
By the way it's not just women over 50 who need new minds - I keep going into rooms and forgetting what I'm there for!!!
Okay....AC, let me get you something from Shaklee and it should help. Okay? I am having a rough week and a half actually myself. I cry at the drop of a hat and all sorts of things.
Most of what you are feeling is probably directly related to Menopause or Perimenopause. I take a soy protein shake (chocolate 100 calories YUM!!!) everyday and a Menopause Balancing Complex as well. When I get lazy and don't take out!
Some things happen as you get's just a fact that our poor old neurons just slow down. It's called...are you ready for this?
Benign Senescent Forgetfulness! It's totally normal. I think from what you describe you are experiencing some BSF that is hugely exacerbated by Menopause. Just my oh pin yun!
I will email you some details tonight. Can't hurt to try anyway. :0]
Okay info...I'll just call it BSForgetfulness...that should sum it up pretty succinctly, don't you think? ;D LOL!
Dave, I'm just glad to find out that it is equal across the sexes!!
All I can say is, "Join the club!"
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