I cannot believe I let my 4 year blogging anniversary slip right by me! But I did. You see,October 25, 2004was my first foray into the blogging world. Oh my! I was so timid, unsure of what I was getting into, yet, on the otherhand, excited...eager to share with my nieceClaire and get her to join me in this new adventure. I am so glad she did!!! Now, I have to say it was her brotherDan who enticed us both to try this new adventure. We three continue to uphold the family!
You might be asking how on earth could I forget this most momentous day?! Well, I was boarding a plane to Mexico!! Yes, you read that right...Mexico! We stayed at the Grand Mayan in Nuevo Vallarta but toured all around Puerto Vallarto, too. It was the. most. posh. place. we. have. ever. stayed!!! It was a tiny taste of how the 'rich and famous' must live. Who would have ever thought last year at this very same time our Pilot Dad was so very sick, fighting for his life. And now, a year later we were on the beaches of Mexico.
We snorkled.
Of course we did the shopping/bartering in Old Town and strolled along the Boardwalk.
One of the other highlights was Pilot Dad para-sailing!
Not only did we spend lazy days around the pool, and in the lazy river.....
Then there was the day we went kayaking and spotted so many iguanas!
Not to mention the ones by the pool area...
So, from Pilot Dad and Pilot Mom we will say adios from one of the many sunsets we saw while eating our dinner on the beach! This was a truly indescribable experience for us!!