The radiologist is beginning to think that maybe it is a deep tissue infection. She isn't sure if we should do another CT scan and compare it with the last one 3 weeks ago or would having a MRI be a better thing to do. She will be talking with the oncologist this evening and making a determination about that.
If it is a deep tissue infection then maybe iv's would be the way to go since the oral antibiotics do not seem to be touching all. If they cannot figure out why he is so sick then he will be sent to an infectious disease doctor. His radiologist was kind enough to write to a note to his work explaining he cannot come back to work while he has this unidentified disease. She also didn't want him expending any more calories by working when he needs to be keeping the calories to put on weight. He seems to be losing the battle for weight gain. :( His wedding ring fell off the other day. :( He now weighs less than when we married.
As you go about your days would you lift PD before the throne grace whenever the Lord might bring him to mind? It would be greatly appreciated. Pray for the doctors to have wisdom, discernment, and attention to little details which may be of significance. Pray for PD to begin to gain weight, to stop running a fever, and begin to feel better. Pray for patience for me, that I not grow weary, and that I remain focused on the Lord's faithfulness, grace and mercy.
Holding PD up before the Healer, and asking for His grace, Claire. Hang in, and hugs for both of you!
You both have my prayers too. I understand how hard it is to keep our focus on the Lord at times like this but I also know how important it is.
When things get tough for me I try to sing praises to Heavenly Father. It's sometimes very difficult but it certainly does help.
He's always on my mind and in my prayers. Love to you both...
Praying for sure!
Oh Claire, I'm really sorry PD is having such a rough time.
You already know God is faithful, but it never hurts to be reminded of that! Don't let your heart be troubled...God's grace WILL sustain you both.
I will remember you in prayer.
Consider PD and you lifted up!!
PD and YOU are in my prayers. God is so faithful and we will agree with you for wisdom and direction for the doctors. And for God's healing touch on your dear one, strength for you and, most of all, peace in the midst of the storm. ~Adrienne~
a flyby hugging has been spotted flying near ya! and it is coming in for a landing !!!! ;)
in my thoughts a prayers!
We are praying fervently out here. We love you both tons.
Prayed today, this morning and whenever your names comes to mind -
This business of "life" and the "whys" of things --
Trusting U and Jim are being "HELD UP" by HIS PRESENCE and HIS PEACE , even though the "fears" would flood in from everywhere --
This tune was mine for the day , Claire : I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold , I'd rather be HIS than have riches untold --
Oh Lord, for Jim we pray, TOUCH him Master , and dry the eyes of Claire, ---
Oh dear Claire...we are just waiting for good news!..Love Terry
You both are in my prayers!
May God's comfort, grace and strength fill you both and may He bless PD with a quick and full recovery.
God's Grace.
oh claire... i know i'm late reading this, but you and pd are always in my thoughts and prayers.
now i'll pray specifically that God would deal with this infection.
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