I can't get the image out of my head.
Thursday Pilot Dad and I were running a couple of errands. We were stopped at a red light, in the center lane. We watched as a guy in a wheel chair, with only one workable arm, wheeled himself across the street and then crossed over the street we were on. I could not tell if he had amputated legs or just legs that didn't work. We were too far away. Picture in your mind if you will. He begins crossing by wheeling his chair with his left arm pushing on the left wheel. He does this rapidly about three times then immediately crosses his left arm across his body to push the right wheel about twice, to keep his chair going in a fairly straight direction. Then he quickly brings his left arm back to the left wheel...and repeats the whole process. It was quite slow for him and he weaved somewhat but on the whole he did it very well.
Our hearts broke for him as we watched him labor to cross the two streets. I imagine he is on very limited funds and so cannot afford an electric wheel chair. Our thoughts turned toward his spiritual condition, wondering if he knew the Lord? I thought about the cortisone injection I had in my knee on Wednesday which made all the difference in my ability to walk. There, but for the grace of God, go I.
Why was he having to go it alone? Did he have any friends? Where was he going? How long in his life has he had to get around with only one arm to push his wheel chair? So many questions without any answers.
Well that got me to stop and say a few "Thank you, God's."
Sometimes I can't imagine what life would be like without my sight or the use of my arms/legs. How dependent would I be on others? Who would be around to help me? It's a frightening thought...
When I see people like that, I get the overwhelming urge to hug them.
Thanks for the reminder to be greatful with what we have.
I feel the same way, Claire, et al. All you need to do when you're feeling sorry for yourself is take a look around you...it won't take long b4 you see another who has it far worse than you.
I have always said about my own (but FAR less severe!) medical difficulties that God has a plan for them or I wouldn't have them in the first place! That doesn't make them any less painful or make the 'degeneration' (for lack of a better word) any slower, but it gives me peace of mind.
I don't have to worry about it. I just have to take care how I respond to what God does in my life.
Anyhow...that's the way I see it.
Whispering a prayer for the wheelchair man. :|
I work with a man in a wheel chair--he has a great attitude--but every time I see him--I feel grateful.
My husband's both brothers are disabled by muscular dystrophy. It's sad, it's tough - both for them and those around them.
One of them is also a bit retarded. He is a positive character, who loves the Lord and takes life as it is. The other one is smart, running his own business, but fighting his situation and fate with everything he has. And I'm telling you, THAT is sad!
Dear Piolt-mom.
I just slipped in here to read the beginning of the story of T and it is really heart touching.
Your friends have made such nice comments.
I only wish that I could get on to G's blog but it seems almost an impossibility!
You see Claire, I think that these girls have prayed for the man in the wheelchair and your wondering about if he has a friend is over.
He has two very dear friends now and that is you and Pilot-dad..
He is under your wings..love Terry
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