Monday, January 10, 2005


When our son was a baby I thought I never wanted the 'baby' stage to end. I loved to snuggle and cuddle with him. There is just something about that baby smell...all powdery and clean after their bath. Then, there was almost an imperceptable thought that began to arise...wouldn't it be nice if he could just sit by himself, unattended. Not long before I never wanted the baby stage to end. Once he sat, I could not imagine wanting anything more...this then became my 'favorite' stage. And, once again, when I couldn't even hardly think about moving on, there came the thought, won't it be neat when he can walk and toddle around? How I loved the toddler years! How expressive they are with their face and the excitement in their voice! Never would I believe that I would be excited for him to begin school. This pattern continued all the way to "now." I found that I loved each stage of child rearing enormously! Each stage brought different elements, but that was okay. Just when I thought I couldn't stand to leave whatever stage I was in, the good Lord always readied me for the next stage, so that I embraced it as I went into it. It is kind of reminiscent of Pslam 119:105 which says, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." God illuminates just so far ahead. A lamp doesn't show what is way on down the path in front of you, but rather, just what is ahead. Enjoy where you are right now and allow the Lord to ready you for what is ahead and when the time comes and the light exposes whatever is there, you will be ready for it.

1 comment:

Bob and Claire said...

I can remember when Nathan was about 4 months old thinking, "This is the perfect stage--he sleeps well and nurses well, but he hasn't started solid food yet, and I know that will be so much more work!" But then people pointed out to me that even as babies need more "cleanup", they also get more independent, and isn't that nice too? And it was! I can honestly say, though, with having 4 little guys, that 1) my least favorite stage is the newborn stage (SOOOO needy and floppy, and not much reward!)and 2) my favorite stage is around 2 years old (if you've done a good job training them, then they aren't real rebellious yet, and they are so cute as they learn to talk and express their personality--then when they turn 3, they get more defiant!)